Landscape Photography Gallery and Blog
My Gallery contains a collection of my favourite images for you to explore. I have captured images from locations across Australia, Asia and Europe and been lucky enough to experience some incredible conditions and sights when out exploring.
As a photographer based in Melbourne, the gallery focusses on Australian Landscape Photography and takes you from the rugged Great Ocean Road coastline through to the beautful sandy beachs of the Whitsundays and some stunning locations in between. You’ll also be able to explore some of my favourite images from some locations further afield including Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and London.
Check out my photography blog for tutorials and articles about landscape photography and the adventures it can lead to. You’ll find information and tips about composition, settings and planning plus some inspiration to help you with your photography, whether you enjoy shooting grand vistas, cities or the coastline.
The Nikon Z 24-120 F4 S is a fantastic addition to the Z system line up. In this real world review I will look at the features that matter to me as a landscape photographer and share my experiences in the field and sample images.